
May 2024

Call to reserve your spot!


Pedals & Plyos- Fusion of a spin class mixed with strength and endurance training using equipment.

Senior Fit- A class for the “more mature” population concentrating on balance, strength & stretching.

Strength– A full body workout that uses a combination of resistance training exercises (with weights and body weight) to increase muscular strength and endurance.

Bootcamp– A full body circuit workout! This workout will have you building muscle while burning calories, like a HIIT workout!

Zumba– Join us for an aerobic dance fitness class that incorporates Latin and international music with dance moves!

Tone & Flow- A toning, high rep workout inspired by elements of Pilates, with a yoga flow to finish.

Yoga/Gentle Stretching– Gentle stretching with a peaceful setting.

TRX– A full-body STRENGTH workout using TRX, weights, and bodyweight! This kind of suspension training works strength, balance, flexibility, and core!

Body Sculpt- A complete toning class suitable for ALL levels!

Kettlebell– combines cardio and strength-training exercises to improve your athletic performance and strengthen your body!

HIIT– High intensity interval training for ALL fitness levels! This is a full-body workout that will have you sweating, burning calories, and toning muscles!